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Wednesday, April 8, 2009



Today I spent the afternoon with Amy and baby Eric! We had the best time just talking, hanging out, and playing with Eric. Poor baby was hurting from his shots yesterday, but he was still such a good boy!

Then, GREAT NEWS, our Fireproof books came! Our plan is to read together each evening so the dare will take place from evening to evening. Day 1, like mentioned before is about PATIENCE in LOVE. Our dare is to not say anything negative to each other for the entire day. It is more challenging than it seems!!! Think about all the small and seemingly meaningless negative comments you make throughout the day. It could be as simple as "Why haven't you taken out the trash" to "I hate when you drive that way." Our lives are filled with negative comments even if we don't consider ourselves negative people or realize our negativity. I on the other hand can be very negative to Ben because I tend to lack patience. I like to be in control and to have things my way.
So far it has not been hard to stay clear of the negativity, but it has only been a few hours. I will be sure to write more about this in tomorrows blog.

We also had an AMAZING bible study tonight with Jeff. We talked about how Jesus came to Earth and lived as we do for the specific reason to die on the cross for our sins. He LOVES us so much that he was willing to live in this corrupt world, be mistreated and betrayed, and to die a brutal, horrible, and slow (6 hours) death. Nail pierced hands and a wounded side so that we could be forgiven for our sins, and so that we can enter the kingdom of Heaven with our Lord. It is truly amazing and magnificent! Jeff called Jesus the captain of our salvation because he actually lived a human life and worked his way up the ranks so to speak so that he could truly understand us. When Adam and Eve sinned death was entered into the world. Death came from Satan and Jesus dying on the cross ended Satan's death sentence. The three reasons people fear death are:
  1. The unknown
  2. Separation from God and loved ones
  3. Judgment
Through our salvation the Lord gives us relief from all of these fears. The bible tells us exactly what will happen after life on earth. We will be reunited with the Lord and our believing loved ones in Heaven. Lastly, Jesus already died for our sins so we know that our judgment will not prevent us from going to Heaven if we know Jesus Christ as our personal savior.

The world is so you really think a bunch of matter colliding could really create the beauty of the ocean or the glory of the world's natural wonders?

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